Welcome, Добро пожаловать, Dobrodošli, आपका स्वागत है, Bienvenue, 환영, bienvenido, مرحبا بكم

Welcome, Добро пожаловать, Dobrodošli, आपका स्वागत है, Bienvenue, 환영, Bienvenido, مرحبا بكم

Thanks for visiting our Culture and Language Diversity pages.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Culture and Language Diversity UPDATE

We have had some exciting happenings in the Culture and Language Diversity/English Language Learners Program at Union Elementary School! We now have flags from all of our students and staffs' countries of origin displayed in the cafeteria. Below the flags is a list of the countries and a map so our school community can see how rich our diversity is.

We are also leading a Diversity Club each week, where students discuss issues around inclusion and have fun together.

One parent taught yoga to elementary students in Community Connections and taught Hindu dance in different venues at our school.

We also worked with the ELLs to write PEACE in their languages, and then they taught the whole school in an assembly how to say PEACE! Kids loved it.  We then displayed all the different ways to say PEACE on our hall bulletin board.